Tania 9th August 2024

My beautiful sister Teresa, no longer will you read my funny messages, which you loved, they made you laugh. No longer can I hold you in a cwtch and kiss that beautiful face. You have taken a piece of my heart and I hold a piece of yours so dearly to mine. I will forever cherish our karaoke nights, beer garden lunches and family meals. Thank you for your amazing support over the past few years, every step of the way, you were there, I hope that this past year, I was able to repay that just a little. You received so many gifts and flowers, messages of love and support, showing how loved and thought of you really are, it blew you away, why, I don’t know. Thank you for being so loving and supportive, that kept me strong and positive throughout these past years. I hear your voice every day saying ‘Loves You’. My amazingly sassy and sparkly sister, shine bright, until we meet again. Love you, Love you, Love you!